Easy Flowers To Grow Indoors

Posted on: 29 December 2016

Houseplants add that special burst of color and natural texture to your home and brighten up any room. You may love your plants but hate trying to keep them alive and vibrant. If you don't have a green thumb, you can still have gorgeous blooms indoors by choosing flowers that are easy to grow. Here are some easy flowers to grow inside.

African violets

Not only are African violets simply stunning in their starkly vivid hues, they are also extremely easy to grow indoors. This plant loves sunshine, and placed in a windowsill invites a cheerful atmosphere.

Flowering maple

Combining a vine-like look with whimsical blooms, this draping plant is a household favorite. It simply needs a rod to support its height and plenty of water to keep the bell-shaped blooms perky, and this large houseplant is perfect for an entryway, corner or your home office, or in your large kitchen.


The deep royal purple hue of this interesting clover makes it a great table topper in any room. Make sure you give it even sunlight and shade to keep the deep purple leaves from wilting so it keeps its vibrant shape.


The star-shaped flowers on this plant are both beautiful and charming, and you get the added benefit of having this plant be extremely easy to raise. Keep amethyst near a window for natural sunlight and watch the blooms perk right up.


If you love chamomile tea, then you will love this flowering herb as a home accent. The tiny white flowers resemble little daisies. Plant this herb (which is also a natural pest repellent) in your kitchen windowsill so you can snip leaves for tea as you want while being able to enjoy the blooms.

While you are on the herbal trend for houseplants, don't forget about planting garlic in your home as well. The blooms don't have the odor garlic does and the purple pom poms of the flowers are simply charming in the home. You can even use the herb when it matures.

Houseplants are both whimsical and decadent in the home. You can choose from many varieties of these blooms to achieve the perfect look for your home. When shopping for easy-care flowers at specialty shops such as Wild Geese Gardens, pick styles that match your home's decor via texture, color, height, and even blooming style. This way you can feel confident in your houseplants as both home decor and beautiful blooms that are fun to smell and watch grow.
