Septic Tank Inspection Services For Home Buyers

Posted on: 20 October 2022

One of the most important aspects of buying a home is having the home inspected. The inspector points out things wrong with the house that the average person can't see with the naked eye. They ensure the house is solid and that all the mechanical systems are in good working order, including the septic system.

The septic system is responsible for the treatment and disposal of wastewater from the home. If you have only ever had municipal wastewater services, sometimes called city sewer, a septic system may be confusing or even a little off-putting. Septic tank inspection services are meant to put your mind at ease. Here's what you need to know.

Why Do You Need a Septic Tank Inspection?

Like a standard home inspection, you want to make sure everything is solid and working properly. The septic tank needs to function properly with no leaks or other problems that could pose a health hazard to the home's occupants.

While a septic system inspection is not typically required by lenders when a home is financed, it is still a good idea to ask your real estate agent to include a septic tank inspection contingency. This is because the septic system is considered to be part of the property's infrastructure. If there are any problems with the septic system, it could cause serious damage to the home and expensive repairs.

What Does a Septic System Inspection Entail?

A septic system inspection usually takes an hour or two. During this time, the inspector will assess the condition of the septic tank, leach field, and other components of the system. The inspector will also look for any signs of leakage or other problems that could pose a health hazard. After the inspection, you will receive a report detailing the condition of the septic system, information on previous septic tank maintenance, and any recommendations for repairs or replacement.

What Are Potential Septic Tank Issues?

There are many potential issues that could be discovered during a septic tank inspection, but it all boils down to improper septic tank maintenance. In fact, your septic tank inspection may reveal that the system has not been pumped in years. Failure to perform basic septic tank maintenance by following a pump-out schedule could result in septic system failure.

Experts state that "a septic tank should be inspected every two to three years, with mechanical pumping typically required every three to five years to empty the tank" completely.

If you are buying a home, do not release the inspection contingency until the septic system is inspected by a qualified professional. This will ensure that your new home is safe and free from any potential health hazards and costly septic repairs.

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